Monday, 12 August 2013

Court waiting room problem solving.

A long time ago, just after the introduction of body armour I was sitting in the waiting room at court before giving evidence when the conversation turned to the new body armour. Naturally everyone was unused to it and bemoaned many attributes, not least of which was its weight and inflexibility. Discussions quickly ensued about how difficult it was to run whilst wearing it and how much slower it make us when chasing a suspect intent on avoiding the cell chef's culinary delights. 
What we needed was a method of stopping people from running without endangering anyone. Yes, land sharks are frighteningly fantastic to watch, but not always available. Firearms are to dangerous and controversial (and let's face it, I would trust many cops with the remote control for the TV, much less a gun)
That was when someone struck the proverbial bell with a stunning idea. The only problem was no-one had the technical knowledge to be able to make the item discussed let alone get Home Office approval. What was it I hear you cry!!!
Well it was the answer to our prayers. A safe and reliable weapon offering a toothless alternative to savage land sharks, no life threatening capabilities and only washable consequences..... A sci-fi style ray-gun fired at any fleeing suspect, causing unavoidable and complete instant bowel evacuation. Guaranteed to stop anyone in their tracks. 

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