Sunday, 18 August 2013

The power of Veto.

I am NOT seeking to generate a debate here.
Being a proud expat I have no vote in next years decision making process; not that I would know which way to vote anyway. I'm not learned in the politics of Scotland's potential independence and whilst I consider it a wonderfully romantic notion, I don't have  an allegiance to either side of the argument.    

What I do find kind of strange is the lack of information by either side on the potential for an Independent Scotland being allowed to join the EU. The "YES" lobby claim entry would be for the asking! The "NO" lobby claim it would not be as easy as that, but neither mention what is probably the biggest stumbling block to membership.

I may be wrong, but surely if Scotland wins independence any application to join the EU will undoubtedly be veto'd by Spain. Why - to prove that they will always have a degree of control over the Basque Separatists who will inevitably press even harder for an independent state on the shirt tails of Scotland, especially if Scotland are allowed EU membership.
Just a thought.

Just a thought.

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