Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Operational name

Let me make this sound exciting by portaying it as a very very long time ago. From time to time, we would be given different roles to carry out. Last centruty, as a beat cop at the time, I was to be part of a small initiative to detect various crimes and offences local to where I worked, the details of which I won't go into. Is that not your normal job I hear you think? You're right I reply. The brief we had was to use the local resources as best we could and carry out the required surveillance, obtain warrants and go knocking on doors. Nothing new. Nothing special. Just a dedicated team to seek out some of the less desirable in our part of the City. The best of the best (those not off on "the sick" or annual leave) would be temporarily abstracted from the various shifts and drawn togeher to create a crack crime busting team. We would be ready !! (does this sound a little sarcastic by any chance?) Normally, any "headquarters" sanctioned operation would be given a title by some anonymous person in a Headquarters office, but this was to be a locally run matter and left very much up to us. In essence it would be a relatively low level, low key and nameless operation. No-way we decided. It deserved to be recognised and ought to be titled. A lot of thought was put into giving the job a name. Various options were put forwad and rejected as totally unsuitable and unprofessional. Ultimately, it became known amongst us as Operation Polyorchid. After it's alloted 3 month existence, the reports were submitted showing the results and high praise was lavishly lavished by the lavishers from where it needs to be lavished onto those who deserve it lavished upon them. Well I assume that was the case. Certainly bugger all appeared at our door. Not even a well done you lot. What was enquired about however was the unofficial naming of the undertaking. Polyorchid. We always managed to avoid explaining the origins of the title until well after the operation was closed down. What did it mean? Well think about the word poly meaning many, and orchid being the medical term for a testicle. Well the result is polyorchid, or many testicles. In other words....... a load of bollocks.

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