Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Bright idea - not

Who the hell said it would be a good idea? A quick trip to Skye between nightshift and back shift......
In those days, nightshift finished at 07:00 on a Tuesday morning and late shift started at 15:00 on a Thursday. Yes, you're right. Not a long break by anyone's standards and even less if you have to sleep until lunchtime on the Tuesday, then exist in a zombie like state until the following morning when the body clock resets itself. 
No matter how many years you work a shift like that, it doesn't get any easier. So with that in mind, we decided (with unusual and commendable wisdom), that our bike run wouldn't start until early Wednesday morning. The only problem was the intended destination. Skye.
Roll on Wednesday morning and we met early doors and headed off into the wilderness, taking in every conceivable good biking route in the way. Great, fabulous, magical. Only it was cold, miserable, wet as a big bag of wet things and we had intended camping in the open. 
By the time we crossed the bridge and onto Skye it was already getting dark and all we could think about was finding a camping spot. "Let's head up to Sligachan" someone said. "At least there's a pub and food there. Next stop Sligachan. No arguments, no complaints. 
In what seemed like a hurricane, we pitched the tents on what must have been a bit if waste ground, about as level as a page 3 model's chest, and headed into the pub. I should explain here that JT and I were both pipe smokers back then and enjoyed a particularly pleasant tasting and sweet smelling cherry tobacco. The only problem was the locals, who were convinced we had something other than genuine tobacco. After a few beers and a skinful of food,  it was time for a night's relax and an early rise. Well that was the intention, but Hobbsie had other ideas including a pannier full of beer for the camp site. Camp site - that was a laugh.
Next morning we were up, packed and ready to roll by 7am, figuring that would give us time to get back to Dundee, home, showered, shaved and shampoo'd before back shift at 3 o'clock.
The only problem was the lack of fuel. We knew we wouldn't get far before having to fill up and we doubted we would make it to Fort William on vapour. The problem was the Skye petrol station didn't open until 8am. Bugger.
Double bugger, it started to hose with rain as we waited. Little did we know  that would be the forecast for the day.
By the time we filled up and crossed the bridge to the mainland, it was about 09:00. Only 6hours until work.  
A trip through Glen Coe is fabulous even in hellish weather, but with a time limit, it became a frantic dash on empty stomachs and full tanks. After an hour or two we had no alternative but to stop and take a comfort break, eat some food, and seek some shelter. Let me publically apologise here to the cafe owner for committing chemical atrocities in their toilet.
Suitably filled with hot soup, we had to brave the elements again and with great reluctance, fought through the battering rain. If you are a non biker, you will not appreciate the pain and discomfort in your hands when they set solid around the handlebars like a living rigor mortise. It's a hell on earth, especially when you can't afford the time to stop and warm your hands on the exhaust pipes. 
Pain, discomfort and misery lasted until we made it back to Dundee. As I stood in the shower at home, I thought my nightmare was over. 
By about 30 seconds, I made it into work on time suitably showered, shaved, booted and suited. JT was there too, looking like he too had just arrived. Thankfully our shift started slowly, but in a fit of spite, it turned around and bit us in the ass. It soon turned out to be a shift from hell with call after call - on an evening we wanted nothing more than an easy shift. By piece time, I could hardly keep my eyes open. Fatigue engulfed us both to the point of illness. By half past nine, I was counting the minutes until nightshift took over. I've never felt to tired in my life. By the time I got home after work I slumped into bed, forewent the obligatory nightcap and slept like a baby long after I should have but needed so badly. A bike trip to Skye anyone? - Not between nightshift and back shift. It's crazy.

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