Friday 23 August 2013

Stewpots Junior choice

For some strange reason, it wasn't uncommon for the office banter to include a game of song lyrics. Spontaneously, someone would start singing, or just saying the first line of a song (generally old ones to try to catch everyone else out) and see if others could carry on with the words. One such effort saw Dave provide a great deal of hilarity that was to repeat itself until his sad departure from the department. It also proved his lack of understanding of a particular hit from the 1950's. Does anyone remember Ronnie Hilton's "A windmill in Old Amsterdam?" You might not recognise the title, but the lyrics should be instantly recognisable to anyone over the age of 40? Clearly Dave didn't listen to Stewpot's Junior Choice like the rest of us must have. Someone started with: "I saw a mouse." Someone else responded with: "Where?" Followed by another: "There on the stair" And: "Where on the stair?" Dave interjects (obviously having heard the Golden Oldie, but not quite having remembered the words or understood the concept of our "game"), trying to add to the lyrics with: "Did it have clogs on?" Despite much explanation and repeated attempts to perfect the flow of the song, Dave failed to "get it", so a new set of lyrics was born...... and in a strange way better than the original. Bet you all fail miserably to get this tune out of your heads for the next few hours!!

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